Knowledgebase Top articles LFMTE SCRIPT SUPPORT POLICIES Category: LFMTE LFMTE SCRIPT SUPPORT POLICIES 1. 3rd party mods- If you have had 3rd party mods installed on your script our staff will look at your script to determine if the 3rd party mod is the cause of any scri... Terms of Service Category: Software Licensing The TERMS OF SERVICE for our software are listed on the following pages: LFMTE (traffic exchange script) TOS pageLFMVM (viral mailer script) TOS pageLFM/TMS (membership script) TOS pageWhat do the TOS... LFMVM SCRIPT SUPPORT POLICIES Category: LFMVM LFMVM SCRIPT SUPPORT POLICIES 1. 3rd party mods- If you have had 3rd party mods installed on your script our staff will look at your script to determine if the 3rd party mod is the cause of any script... LFM SCRIPT SUPPORT POLICIES Category: LFM LFM SCRIPT SUPPORT POLICIES 1. 3rd party mods- If you have had 3rd party mods installed on your script our staff will look at your script to determine if the 3rd party mod is the cause of any script... Surfbar- Changing Text Colors Category: LFMVM How to Change your Surfbar Text Colors First you have to go into your cpanel. Scroll Down till you find the file surfbarColors.php Click the Blue PHP on the Left hand side of the screen Then on the ... Surfbar- Changing Text Colors Category: LFMTE How to Change your Surfbar Text Colors First you have to go into your cpanel. Scroll Down till you find the file surfbarColors.php Click the Blue PHP on the Left hand side of the screen Then on the ...